This card has 1254 views as of today and the nearest one to it has 562 views so this is way out in the lead.
I can see why as it is a favourite of mine too, it just has everything !
A blog linked to my Flickr site showing real photographic postcards of ordinary people from the past.
It's a lovely photo, Rob. Can you tell us a bit more about it? Why are they wearing skates? What is the writing on the girl's dress? Inquiring minds!
Little Bytes of Life
I think the two children were part of a skating troup. I cant read all of the writing but it starts off something like...
The Belgrove Skating.....
There was no information on the reverse of the card which is a shame.
It's not often you see old photos showing kids wearing rollerskates. It certainly is interesting.
On a side note: I've mentioned your Flickr Group and your blog in my latest blog post @
toordjerMoKomdrfoi [url=]elan credit card[/url] isFredwpl
Hi great reading your posst
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